The EXPLORER has opened up a whole new category of flying. With an empty weight around 340-360kg including a rescue system, this plane leaves ample room for exploring new frontiers whilst carrying a 105 liter fuel load and 30kg of luggage. With cruise speeds ranging from 85-105kts depending on engine and propeller combinations, good STOL capabilities and good range, the Explorer will take you places and wont break the bank while doing so. “Dare to Explorer”!
The German UL Type-Certificate (“Musterzulassung”) was issued in December 2019.
Development and refinement of the product is ongoing, engine choices tried and tested with excellent results are Rotax 582, 912UL and 912ULS, Rotax 912 ULST, Rotax 914, Rotax 912iS, Rotax 915iS, Jabiru 2200, 3300, Rotec radial 2800, UL 260i, Lycoming and Verner radial. Options are actively explored with spring gear, Berringer Alsakan Bushwheel and landing gear, EFIS instrumentation, brake systems, propellers, STOL modifications and full airframe fairing kits. One of the famous details is, that the gear can easily be changed from the Taildragger-Version to the 3-Wheel-Version. No experts needed for this! So you always have the “right” plane for your flying acitivities!